3 Cheat Sheets for Self-Publishing
0Have you ever wanted to publish your own book? There is no better time to do that. You can publish your book to Kindle and many other popular platforms without having to spend a whole lot of money. You do want to conduct your own research to make sure you choose the right publishing platform for your e-book. These 3 cheats help you get started with self-publishing:
Self-Publishing Cheat Sheet: provides you with steps you need to take to turn your idea into a book through self-publishing.
Publishing E-books Cheat Sheet: gives you an idea how to market your e-book once you have written it. It is worth going through if you are a first time author.
Launching a Successful E-book: a simple to follow cheat sheet that shows some of the steps you have to take to launch a successful e-book (by widbook).
Writing your first e-book may not look easy but everyone has to start somewhere. These cheat sheets can help you get started on the right track.