Amazon and Dell Partnering Up?
Credit: PC World
As Apple gears up towards releasing the iPad next month, its competitors are scrambling to come up with their own solutions to keep up with the company. We already know that Amazon is working on Kindle Touch (though no release date has been announced). The company is not stopping there. Amazon has no intention of going head to head against Apple alone. That’s why its forming partnership with other Apple competitors to mount a more serious challenge against Apple’s new creation. It seems Dell and Amazon have joined hands to bring Amazon Kindle to Dell Mini 5 (an Android tablet that aims to take on the iPad). Dell’s tablet is expected to have access to Amazon books, mp3 content, and videos.
This move shows that Amazon may be ready to finally bring its Kindle program to Android platform. The fact that Dell tablet owners can use their Kindle’s 3G connection to connect to Amazon store without any fees is a big plus as well. Dell’s best bet is to position itself as a more affordable solution than iPad for those interested in tablets. But no-one expects Dell to stop Apple in its tracks. The move does show Amazon is willing to compromise and join hands with other Apple rivals to bring its Kindle platform to as many devices as possible.
Amazon Kindle for Android may not be out yet, but that seems to be the next logical move by Amazon. Will Amazon bring its Kindle app to iPad? Now that’s something we have to wait to find out.